The Pushup Pullup Burpee – It Begins …

Image credit: Dragon Ball Z - Super Sayian
Image credit:
Dragon Ball Z – Super Sayian

Yesterday I ate a bag of flaming hot cheetos, then I had McDonalds, half a tub of Ice Cream, 4 IPA’s, 2 doughnuts, a 22oz of hard Cider (I’m on a artisan-style hard cider kick right now. I don’t know why, I’m just finding them delicious) .. where was I? Oh yeah. Listing the stuff I ate yesterday. I actually had McDonald’s for two meals, hmm oh yeah there was also a ceaser salad, and a can of soup. There was also the turkey I had in the fridge, and I think I scarfed a couple tortillas as a snack. I wasn’t keeping notes. There might have been a cadsbury egg in there too, but I might have eaten that the day before.

How is a guy supposed to get in shape eating like this?

It’s not that I don’t think diet is important. I think diet is very important. I know this from experience. From making tweaking my diet, I can send my weight sailing up or crashing down. It’s just that I’m not concerned about it right now. Oh I love food. If I was eating normally, I’d be thinner, but only about 10-20 lbs thinner. But I’m intentionally keeping my weight a little high for now. Yeah, yesterday I went a little crazy, I can’t do that everyday. Today I kept things normal except for the loaf of bread and log of cheese I ate. Not to mention I decided to go ahead and finish off my IPA supply. (I’m just hungry a lot lately. I have no regrets, the cheese was delicious!)

I’m trying an experiment. I’m trying out a workout that’s centred around a couple exercises that I believe can take me pretty far.  Simple, effective, scalable, and progressive. That’s what I’m going for.

For right now, I’m trying to maintain my weight. Which, this morning, was hovering at 220 plus some tenths. I want to stay here for the time being. And, right now, to be honest, I’m no fitness model. My jobs keep me at a desk 7 days a week, and if you’ve read this far .. then you’ve seen my diet. So, here’s what I look like right now:

4/2/15 220 lbs
Date: 4/2/15 Weight: 220 lbs Shirt: On

Now, I know what you’re most likely thinking right now: “OMG what a sexy man-beast!!!” It’s ok, it’s ok, of course I know I’m a hot, but, I think I can look even better. After all, I do have a bit of a belly going on and even some slight man boobs. Yes, for all the fly babes out there I also have a shirtless picture, but let me be clear that I don’t even think it’s mostly about looks. It’s about finding a comfortable way of maintaining my body that will leave me feeling energetic and strong, flexible and pain free. There’s actually a lot of stuff I want. I’m actually being greedy. There 8 things I’ve mentioned so far, let’s list ’em:

Things I want from my workout:

  1. Simple (complexity confuses my brain)
  2. Progressive (I need to feel like I’m going somewhere)
  3. Scalable (Actually, now that I think about it, this might be the same as progressive. Or maybe not. I’ll keep it in)
  4. Effective (Effective is better than Ineffective)
  5. Increase physical energy (Can’t do stuff when I’m tired)
  6. Increase strength (Who doesn’t want to do this?)
  7. Increase flexibility (I’m past 30 and I sit all day. I know that if I’m not careful my mobility is going to start going downhill.. unless I do something about it!)
  8. Pain free (I’ve tried exercises that have left my body stressed and my joints tweaked. I don’t like it when that stuff happens)

So, I’ve been doing pushup-pullup-burpees for a while now, and these things do all those things (ugh, I have got to work on my writing). But what I’m trying to say is that the pushup-pullup-burpees seem to be doing what I want. They are working well. Really well, as a matter of fact. It’s not a stressful workout, it’s kind of nice actually, and they leave me feeling stronger after I’m done.

The Pushup Pullup Burpee! Where have you been all my life? OF course the ultimate question is: Will it take me where I want to go?

I’m not trying to lose weight, not quite yet. These things will melt the pounds off if I’m not careful, I know they will. But I want to hold my weight at 220 until I can do 5 sets of 20 in under 15 minutes. Which is hard! Right now I can do about 4 sets of 15 in under 15 minutes.. chest to bar, bar about 8 feet above ground.. and I could probably do 5 of 15 if I really wanted to have a heart attack. But I don’t want to do that, it’s stressful. I don’t go to the gym to stress myself out. I will just keep progressing, nice and easy. It’s not a race.

Once I reach that goal, then I will give myself permission to start shedding some of the extra pounds.

Ultimately I want to mix in a couple of supplementary exercises and a warmup/warmdown … if the other parts of my workout are good then I will post them here too. And then I will come up with a plan to progress from there. Nice and easy. It’s not a race.

In short, it’s an experiment. It’s an awesome experiment. So I’ll chronicle it with a blog. I plan to update about weekly with pictures and progress and ideas. So check back if this sounds interesting!

Oh .. yeah. Here’s the shirtless pic I said I’d put. Just to chronicle physical changes.

Date: 4/2/15 Weight: 220 lbs Shirt: Off
Date: 4/2/15 Weight: 220 lbs Shirt: Off

I’ll be documenting this too. Like I previously acknowledged, of course I’m sexy man beast for sure. But, I admit, there’s room for improvement. And there will be improvement, oh yes. I will be posting progress, ideas, and results, that should be of interest for whoever else that is also on a quest for a stress free, progressive, kick ass workout that works. Thanks for reading.

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